Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries wants to connect people with God, with one another, and with their place in God’s Kingdom, and we want to minister to the physical, social, and spiritual needs of those who are hurting.

MDPC's partners with organizations around the corner and around the world to get these things done. We carefully vet each relationship on an annual basis because efficient, effective use of volunteers and finances is important to our members – so it’s important to us. 

The ministry taking place through the hard work of these mission partners is far-reaching, touching countless lives. Get to know more about a few of our partners in the spotlight videos below, or see a complete listing of our 2025 partners here (PDF).

View Mission Partner Stories Here

Global Missions

We believe that we are all called to participate in God’s calling to “make disciples of all nations” and join Him in His work throughout the world. Either by praying, giving, or going, we all play a crucial role in God’s plan to bring hope to our hurting world.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19

Local Missions

MDPC works in partnership with local ministries and organizations to care for individuals and families in need. Through prayer, volunteer involvement, and financial support we help create opportunities to share the Gospel and show people how God loves them.  

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:16


Click here for an up-to-date list of our ministry partners' current/urgent needs.


Hunger Initiative

About 25% of Houston’s children live in a household without a reliable source of nutritious food. The goal of MDPC’s Hunger Initiative is to reduce childhood hunger and family food insecurity, specifically in Houston’s Spring Branch area. The strategy is to build upon already-successful food assistance programs like these:

  • MDPC’s Fuente Food Pantry provides groceries and produce to approximately 400 families per week. Our Multicultural Ministries and volunteers, would welcome your help on any Saturday morning! Sign up to volunteer here.
  • Kids’ Meals Inc. delivers meals to food-insecure preschoolers each weekday. MDPC holds a monthly sandwich-making event that enables us to donate approximately 4,000 sandwiches per month to Kids’ Meals’ program. The event, held on second Wednesdays at MDPC, has become a popular family-friendly service project. Click here to see upcoming dates and sign up!

Justice Initiative

MDPC’s Human Trafficking Task Force seeks to engage the congregation and community in the fight against this insidious crime. We want to build awareness, work with local government to enact stronger legislation, and fight the demand at its source. Click here to watch The Anatomy of Human Trafficking, a five-part Justice Initiative speaker series. 

Meet Street Grace, a Key Part of Our Justice Initiative
In 2019, MDPC and other area churches brought Street Grace to Houston, providing office space on our campus alongside Outreach Ministries. Street Grace’s mission is to eradicate the commercial sexual exploitation of children. This justice ministry uses creative methods to address the demand side of these illegal activities—the “customers”—in ways that are both interruptive and redemptive.

Partner Stories

