Welcome to the One-on-One Convos Resource Page! We are excited about your interest in a mutual mentoring conversation with another person. Mentoring enables us to contribute our ideas and learn from the experiences of others. Collaboration makes all the difference in the world—whether it’s professional, personal, intercultural, or spiritual!

One-on-One Convos create mutual models of healthy connection. Because of different circumstances and various personalities, every partnership pairing will have its own unique thumbprint. Viva la difference! Each specific relationship will have tremendous potential to strengthen the overall Body of Christ.

Want to be part of this exciting relational ministry? Please use the links below to learn more and to register. Questions? Contact Brett Hurst at 713-412-1673.

What are One-on-One Convos? Best Practices

One-on-One Success Stories

Has a One on One Convo deepened your faith or personal growth? Your story can inspire others! Please share your story here!

Women's One-on-One Success Story      Men's One-on-One Success Story

Basic Christianity

Basic Christianity 

The Bible Project
Core Christianity
The New City Catechism

Book List

The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Core Christianity by Michael Horton
Making Sense of God by Tim Keller
Reason For God by Tim Keller
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Mentor For Life by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
The Thing Beneath the Thing by Steve Carter
How (Not) To Read the Bible by Dan Kimball
The Intentional Father by Jon Tyson
The Prayers of Jesus by Mark Jones
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen
How To Know a Person by David Brooks
Turning Small Talk into Big Talk by Jan Janura