At its best, worship touches every element of a person’s life. It enlightens the mind, warms the heart, heals the body, touches the soul, and animates the will. Because we believe God speaks to each person individually, with a language unique to each, we offer several distinct styles of worship. Our aim at MDPC is to create worship environments where you can experience a transforming encounter with the Living God that sends you out whole, healthy, and fully alive.
Blended • 8:30-9:30am
Contact: Tracy Curtis-Stidam | tstidam@mdpc.org
If you like a little tradition mixed in with your contemporary service, you’ll enjoy this Blended Service containing both traditional hymns and liturgy with more contemporary Christian music. The smallest of our three main services, the 8:30 service is held in the beautiful MDPC Chapel, providing a warm and intimate atmosphere for a time of praise, confession, and preaching.
Contemporary • 9:45-10:45am
Contact: Tracy Curtis-Stidam | tstidam@mdpc.org
For those who prefer a more contemporary feel to their time of worship. Encounter God in a meaningful blend of praise through (louder) music, authentic worship and confession, experiential worship elements, and relevant teaching. The Contemporary service is led by the MDPC Praise Band playing contemporary Christian music and contemporary versions of beloved hymns.
Traditional • 11:15am-12:15pm
Contact: Tracy Curtis-Stidam | tstidam@mdpc.org
If you desire a reverent, liturgical, traditional Worship service, you’ll feel at home in our Traditional Service led by a premier church choir and complemented by our extraordinary Schantz pipe organ. This Worship service blends glorious choral music with some of the great hymns of the Christian faith.
Spanish • 11:15am-12:30pm
Contact: Meliza Gómez | mgomez@mdpc.org
Our Spanish-language service is a joyful celebration of traditional and contemporary Christian music, with a powerful message by Rev. Guillermo Yela, MDPC’s Associate Pastor of Fuente Ministries. A time of fellowship generally follow this service of worship.
Portuguese-language • 6:00-7:30pm
Contact: Pastor Almir Dantas Dias
Our Portuguese-language service is a joyful celebration of Brazilian families who reside in Houston, with messages by Pastor Almir Dantas Dias, MDPC’s Associate Pastor of Brazilian Ministries. A time of fellowship generally follows the service.