Looking for the Fall 2024 offering of BYF, The Gospel in David's Story? Check it out here!

Building Your Faith: Exploring Scripture with the Pastors provides you a marvelous opportunity every Sunday to enjoy Biblical teaching from a passage with an MDPC pastor or staff member with seminary training. Dr. Clay Brown, MDPC Adult Discipleship Pastor, is the lead teacher, but many others join in the fun. There’s no homework, no pre-registration or class roll, but always donut holes! 

How Long, O Lord?’ Psalms of Lament
At least 50 of the 150 psalms in the Bible can be described in some fashion as psalms of lament. Each teacher will cover one of these psalms, unfold how Scripture addresses the particular lament within it, and guide in thoughtful theological reflection on how lament through the psalm is a helpful part of Christian practice.

July 21
Psalm 13 (individual)
Taught by Leigh McLeroy

July 28
Psalm 22 (individual)
Taught by Dan Aikins

August 4
Psalm 39 (individual)
Taught by Beth Case

August 11
Psalm 55 (penitential)
Taught by Laurien Hook

August 18
Psalm 94 (community)
Taught by Clay Brown 

August 25
Psalm 137 (imprecatory)
Taught by Laurien Hook

We meet at both 9:45 and 11:15am (pick one) in-person in the Amphitheater (first floor of the CLC). The Zoom options for those who can’t attend are in links below:

Link to the 9:45 Zoom Class

Link to the 11:15 Zoom Class