Join us at The Well!
Come hear stories from MDPC women as all ages and life stages gather together at The Well. Our speakers this spring are Georgia Drager, Olga Griffin, and Margaret Humphreys.
Make a Difference! We’re collecting loofahs, nail polish, and emery boards for Mother’s Day gift bags benefiting Santa Maria Hostel.
6pm Refreshments in Parlor • 6:30pm Event in the Chapel • Free childcare
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Venga a escuchar historias de mujeres MDPC de todas las edades y etapas de la vida que se reúnen en El Pozo (The Well). Nuestros oradores esta primavera son Georgia Drager, Olga Griffin, y Margaret Humphreys.
Únase con nosotras a las 6pm para tomar alguna bebida en el Parlor. El evento sigue después en la Capilla.
Cuidado de niños gratis
Regístrate Aquí Cuidado de Niños
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Past Gatherings at The Well
Due to the sensitive nature of these panel discussions, audio recordings are only available upon request. Please contact Kristi Nondorf at knondorf@mdpc.org
Oct 17, 2024
"Shine His Light" with Meka Arend, Megan Hulings, and Lillian Lehman
April 18, 2024
"Reset" with Penny Bryant, Michelle Collins, and Haley McCloskey
October 18, 2023
"Transformed" with Christy Engvall, Susanne McClean, and Keilyn Umanzor
April 19, 2023
"Rejoice!" with Sally Henien and Edneia Moreira
October 26, 2022
"Bouncing Back" with Jan Tomlinson, Leslie Sloan, and Mercedes Garcia
April 20, 2022
"Bright Spots" with Rachel Harkins, Tracy Galimore, and Shirley Swinbank
October 20, 2021
"More Than Your Story" with Janell Kelleher, Stephanie Peters, and Mayra Escamilla
April 21, 2021
"New Life" with Laura Miller, Brenda Vega, Suzanne Tacconelly, and Susan Starling
October 14, 2020
"Waiting" with Jenny Nettles, Barbara Mueller, Stella Chen, and Rosymare Silva
February 12, 2020
"Restore" with Gisele Duque, Leigh McLeroy, and Patty Jonesi
October 9, 2019
"It's Not Supposed to be This Way" with Meliza Gómez, Teri Adair, Debbi Nager, and Rachel Poysky
March 20, 2019
"Even If" with Nancy Mavergeorge
October 24, 2018
“Connected” with Kay Atchison, Amelia Batcha, Bernadette Loweree, and Tracy Stidam
April 18, 2018
“Roadblocks” with Beth Case, Christyn Knoop, April McAllister, Nancy White
October 18, 2017
“Pursued” with Tera Rush, Raquel Vasquez, and Christine & Maddie Gentil
April 19, 2017
“Why I Hope” with Virginia Smith, Hattie Noworatzky, Billie Carole McMillan, and Sue Harkins
October 26, 2016
“Who Do You Think I Am?” with Sara Kuhn, Anji Moore, Carol Harris, and Michelle Collins
April 27, 2016
“What Is the Desire of Your Heart?” with Kellie Hurst, Kristin Huffman, Ginny Glass, and Ginny Trevino
October 11, 2015
“What Do We Fear” with Amber Hicks, Jill Gilbert, Sarah Stone, and Billie Carole McMillan
May 20, 2015
“What I Wish I Had Known” with Kellie Hurst, Jane Henson, Amanda Grace Caldwell, Martha Moore, Charlotte Crawford, and Barbara McLaughlin