Reading the Bible aloud always fills you with a sense of awe and gratitude at the power of His word. Whether you are five or eighty-five, you are guaranteed to enrich your Holy Week in an amazing way! You've heard others share their it's your turn: Sign up this year for The Spoken Word. Whatever your schedule, carving out 15 minutes to speak aloud the Word of God will be time incredibly well spent! 

Pastor Alf will start us off with Genesis 1 at 6:00am on Mon, Mar 25. We expect to finish in the afternoon of Maundy Thursday. We encourage readers of all ages and we love for participants to read in their native language. Families, Small Groups, Sunday School classes, and individuals are all welcome! For questions, please contact The Spoken Word team at

The readings will be live streamed on the following schedule:

6:30am- 11:00am

Tuesday & Wednesday

8:00am – 11:30am
12:00pm-the finish

Sign up to Read

Sign up to be a Table Host

Click to Watch on Facebook Livestream

While at church for The Spoken Word, stop into the Parlor for The Silent Word. Various stations there will guide you to pray more deeply for the world, the church, your family, and even your own walk with Jesus.