
Join us for our Annual Meeting and All-Church Lunch!

Our MDPC Annual Meeting will take place on Sun, Mar 2 at 11:00am and then again at 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall. Content at the two meetings will be identical, with lunch available at each sitting. At each meeting there will be a short update on how we finished 2024, information regarding our 2025 budget, and the changes in terms of call for our ordained pastors.

But the bulk of our time will include a longer presentation by MDPC's Master Planning Committee (in consultation with our architectural firm), updating the congregation on the past nine months of Master Planning Work. No final decisions have been made regarding possible alterations to our MDPC Campus, because we want your input and reactions to thoughts considered thus far. However, it is all about dreaming of the future. We will present thoughts on possible expansions/renovations to the MDPC Campus to poise us for our 75th anniversary in 2030 and prepare us for future faithful service in Christ’s Name. 

We hope many who call MDPC home will join us for one of these two exciting presentations.

Lunch Menu & Pricing