Why a Master Plan?
This is not the church it once was. Though our core values are the same as when MDPC was established in 1955 - commitment to prayer, radical generosity, and a simple but strong faith in the "God of Possibilities" - our building is a far cry from the un-air conditioned cafeteria of Memorial Drive Elementary, where our first service was held.
God's firm guiding hand has shepherded us through building a Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall, then a larger Sanctuary, then Ministry Center expansions, then our Church Life Center. Every step has been in the service of the Kingdom, enabling more ministry to more people in more places.
Now, we again are looking to the future. What steps can we take to continue to invite in our neighbors without reservation? The MDPC family now encompasses Fuente and BPC ministries and offers worship space to a 4300+ congregation. Our weekday schools are booming and our Sunday schools compete for space. How do we address these wonderful blessings masquerading as problems?
Since the summer of 2024, our Master Planning Committee, made up of MDPC staff and lay leadership, has been gathering information about what may be our options. No decisions have been made regarding possible alterations to the MDPC campus – we first want our congregation’s input and reactions. Below you will find information on possible expansions/renovations that will poise us for our 75th anniversary in 2030 and, most importantly, prepare us for future faithful service in Christ’s Name.
Master Planning Committee Charter
Looking forward to the next 25 years, develop a plan to provide campus improvements that reflect MDPC’s Strategic Guiding Priorities to advance The Great Commandments and the Great Commission through the Four Pillars of Community, Evangelism, Formation, and Outreach. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact the committee at .
Annual Meeting on Sun, Mar 2
Our MDPC Annual Meeting will take place on Sun, Mar 2 at 11:00am and then again at 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall. Content at the two meetings will be identical, with lunch available at each sitting. The presentation will include an update from the MDPC Master Planning Committee (in consultation with our architectural firm) and the work that they've been doing over the past nine months. We hope many who call MDPC home will join us for one of these two exciting presentations.