on March 10, 2025

In early 2025, as Pastor Alf led us through his All Things New sermon series, a series of MDPC members shaed their stories of new paths taken: a new community, a new normal, a new country, a new challenge, a new stage, a new faith, and a new season

We invite you to dig into these stories of faith, trust, and courage.

Ep. 1 • A New Community

What’s it like to realize you’re finally where you belong? To contend with both the faith and fear of letting go, knowing “God’s got a plan—and it’s going to come to fruition”? MDPC member Hector Longoria shares his and his wife’s experience of seeking and finding a new church home.

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Ep. 2 • A New Normal

You or someone you love may know what it's like to receive difficult medical news. What do you do when your world tilts and everything in your life becomes a question? MDPC teacher and writer-in-residence Leigh McLeroy offers wisdom from the center of the storm.

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Ep. 3 • A New Faith

Former atheist, 19-year-old Christian Nafziger, shares his stunning conversion in this episode of All Things New. Visited by Jesus in the night, Christian awoke the next morning believing God exists. What does it take for a young man's faith to be planted, to grow, and to stay rooted?

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Ep. 4 • A New Season

Margaret Humphreys had a successful career in higher education when she heard a clear call from God that a transition was in order - to family CEO. What is God poised to reveal when we open our lives to aligning with His priorities?

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Ep. 5 • A New Country

God calls you to something new, and you're excited. You know it's right and feel on fire for the new opportunity. But...what happens when reality sets in? When the excitement wears off, but you're still determined to trust God and move forward? Hear from Rafael and Edneia Moreira about their emotional, faith, and very literal journeys.

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Ep. 6 • A New Beginning

Billie Carole McMillan's life changed dramatically a year ago when she lost her beloved Joe. She shares that, in a sense, one life ended and another began. Her response? "Holy Father, what do You want me to do today?" His answer really got her attention. She now says, “What do we do today?" Listen to BC's beautiful story about what happens when God's agenda takes its rightful place.

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The podcast is hosted by long-time MDPC member, former staffer, and experienced podcaster, Christyn Knoop.