Worship & Music ministries

Experience Worship & Music at MDPC! Whether as part of the audience, or part of the performance, opportunities abound for spiritual, musical, and relational growth. The joy of making music together provides experiences that bring us closer to God and to one another.

Worship & Music Volunteer Opportunities

We are always in need of volunteers to help with worship services and with the choral events.  Check out this document for details on opportunities. For more info, contact Tracy Curtis-Stidam: 

Sunday Services

At its best, worship touches every element of a person’s life. It enlightens the mind, warms the heart, heals the body, touches the soul, and animates the will. Because we believe God speaks to each person individually, with a language unique to each, we offer several distinct styles of worship. Our aim at MDPC is to create worship environments where you can experience a transforming encounter with the Living God that sends you out whole, healthy, and fully alive.

Watch Services Live Here


Blended • 8:30-9:30a

Contact: Tracy Curtis-Stidam |

If you like a little tradition mixed in with your contemporary service, you’ll enjoy this Blended Service containing both traditional hymns and liturgy with more contemporary Christian music. The smallest of our three main services, the 8:30 service is held in the beautiful MDPC Chapel, providing a warm and intimate atmosphere for a time of praise, confession, and preaching.

Contemporary • 9:45-10:45a

Contact: Tracy Curtis-Stidam |

For those who prefer a more contemporary feel to their time of worship. Encounter God in a meaningful blend of praise through (louder) music, authentic worship and confession, experiential worship elements, and relevant teaching. The Contemporary service is led by the MDPC Praise Band playing contemporary Christian music and contemporary versions of beloved hymns.

Traditional • 11:15a-12:15p

Contact: Tracy Curtis-Stidam |

If you desire a reverent, liturgical, traditional Worship service, you’ll feel at home in our Traditional Service led by a premier church choir and complemented by our extraordinary Schantz pipe organ. This Worship service blends glorious choral music with some of the great hymns of the Christian faith.

Spanish • 11:15a-12:30p

Contact: Meliza Gómez |

Our Spanish-language service is a joyful celebration of traditional and contemporary Christian music, with a powerful message by Rev. Guillermo Yela, MDPC’s Associate Pastor of Fuente Ministries. A time of fellowship generally follow this service of worship.

Portuguese-language • 6:00-7:30p

Contact: Pastor Almir Dantas Dias

Our Portuguese-language service is a joyful celebration of Brazilian families who reside in Houston, with messages by Pastor Almir Dantas Dias, MDPC’s Associate Pastor of Brazilian Ministries. A time of fellowship generally follows the service.



The Lord’s Supper represents eating and drinking in communion with the crucified and risen Jesus. During His earthly ministry, Jesus shared meals with His followers as a sign of community and acceptance and as an occasion for His own ministry. The Church in the New Testament devoted itself to the sharing of the bread and cup as a remembrance of His life, death, and sacrifice on our behalf. In remembering, believers proclaim the power of Christ’s reign for the renewal of the world in justice and in peace.

On Communion Sundays, all who confess Jesus Christ as their Savior are welcome to participate. If you are an Elder or Deacon and are interested in serving Communion, contact Tracy Curtis-Stidam at .

2024 Communion Dates
Sun, June 2
Sun, Aug 4
Sun, Oct 6
Sun, Dec 1


MDPC baptizes newborn to adult congregants. In the Sacrament of Baptism, as with the Lord’s Supper, we believe what matters most is what God is doing to us and for us —not what we do, although our participation is important. We are at the receiving end of His activity. Currently, we can offer baptism through sprinkling or immersion. 

If you are interested in being baptized at MDPC, contact Evangelism Pastor Dan Aikins at or 713-490-9292.

My Baptism Story: Kristin Malejan

Our journey to parenthood was a long and challenging path. Brian and I were married in 2011 and always knew that we wanted to have children. We thought this would be a simple and stress-free process, but after a year of trying we discovered that it was going to take much longer to grow our family. After much prayer and consideration, we began IVF in 2015. We were scared and anxious but knew that God was leading us and guiding us forward.

We entered [the IVF] process excited and thought we would soon have our child. Wrong again. Cycle after cycle, retrieval after retrieval, and transfer after transfer, we continued to have chemical pregnancies and miscarriages. The winter of 2017 was our lowest point; having lost our beloved pet and having a failed IVF cycle on the same day. It would have been easy for us to give up; we certainly asked God “why” many times.

Despite the tears, sadness, and exhaustion, we both knew that God had instilled the desire in our hearts to be parents. We knew without a doubt that he would fulfill his promise in his time. We prayed constantly and heard him telling us not to give up, and so, we did not give up. Through the support of family, friends, and the faith we had in God, we were joyful to share that we were pregnant with our first child in 2018 and our daughter, Elisabeth Faith Malejan, was born in October 2018. When we were ready to think about having a second child, we took time to pray and listen for God’s guidance. We were blessed by God with quick results and became pregnant with our son, Luke Michael Malejan, in 2021.

Looking back on this story, there were so many times we became mad, angry, upset, jealous of other couples and often asking, “Why us?” It is with absolute certainty that our faithfulness to God and his steadfast love brought us through this journey to the miracles of our children. Brian and I prayed often during our journey and committed to each other that if God carried us through this then we would do our very best to ensure  our children know how much they are loved by God and that they are true gifts from Heaven. We are grateful to stand here today and present our son, Luke, to be baptized because God has been faithful to us!

November 2022


Sanctuary Choir

The MDPC Choir has streamlined activities, making it easier and more attractive for you to participate (even if you do not regularly attend 11:15 worship). Flexible commitment options (sing for a Sunday, a month, a quarter, or for the season), online practice support, and personally edited music available electronically. We are actively seeking new singers to join in this ministry—and you are needed now more than ever!

For more information, please contact Tracy Curtis-Stidam at .

2024 Choir Calendar        Music Schedule

Concert Series

Each year, Music Ministries presents a series of concerts by the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra. Open to the community. We hope you'll join us!

We are hard at work planning the 2024-2025 Concert Series. Check back here for the schedule in late August.


Children's Choir

Music for children is taught in a fun, Christian environment with several opportunities throughout the year to sing in worship and present the gospel of Jesus Christ. The choir participates in worship services during the year, including the 4pm Christmas Eve service and the Easter Family Service.

2024 Season: Jan 24 through May 29

Kindergarten-5th grade
Wednesdays, 4:45-5:30pm, Chapel
Open to all kindergarten through fifth graders!

Pre-K & Kindergarten
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at The Yellow School
For children enrolled in The Yellow School

Register Here    Details & Calendar (.docx)

