Welcome to MDPC Young Adults!

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. -1 Timothy 4:12 

Whether you are a college student, recent graduate, or young professional, MDPC Young Adults welcomes you into our community!

MDPC Young Adults exists to create a safe community in the diverse city of Houston where young people (18-35) can wrestle with life's big questions, be equipped as a disciple of Christ, and empowered to live out the gospel in their day-to-day lives. We recognize that our 20s and 30s are foundational years of our lives and we want to live them to the fullest as we do life together.

What is holding you back? Take a risk in meeting new people who will soon become friends and join us in this journey as we Connect Relationally, Grow Biblically, and Engage Missionally.

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Connect Relationally

Since the beginning of time, God has created us to live in community with other people. It is easy to isolate and neglect meeting with others due to our hectic class, work, or home schedules but deep down, we know we desire to be known and loved by others. Our hope is that you can find meaningful friendships within our Young Adults community as we do life together across the various seasons and stages represented.


Grow Biblically

As you look around, it's easy to recognize that growth is a part of daily life. When healthy, plants grow and produce beautiful flowers that are enjoyed by many. As babies are fed and nourished, they grow into adults who give back and influence their communities. The same is true when we think about our spiritual lives. How are you growing in your faith? What questions have you never been able to ask due to fear, lack of a safe community, or simply not knowing where to begin? God desires believers to keep growing in their relationship with Him – it is normal and expected for us to develop and grow.

Whether you’re just beginning a faith journey with tons of questions, looking for friends to worship with on Sundays, and/or want to find a bible study or community group to dive deeper into scripture, MDPC Young Adults can help. Check out one of our classes and let’s get started!


Engage Missionally

We live in a broken world filled with physical and spiritual needs. As you look around your college campus, dorm room, workplace, or neighborhood, the needs you see can either paralyze you or motivate you to make a difference. As a Young Adults community, we encourage, support, and take risks together as we engage missionally in the city of Houston and around the world. We want to live our lives like Jesus did. Jesus went out and interacted with people of all ages, social classes, and ethnic backgrounds by serving and loving them. Will you join us as we meet people where they are at? Check out our events for opportunities to Engage Missionally that include serving with MDPC mission partners and more.



College Ministry is a branch of MDPC Young Adults that seeks to build Christian community among college-aged young adults through discipleship, encouragement, and evangelism. Whether you reside in Houston, Texas or are here for summer break, we have a place for you! We provide year-round opportunities to connect in community, grow as a disciple of Christ, and engage the community through serving.


YA Mentorship Program

YA Mentorship Program

Young Adults Mentorship Program (YAMP) exists to empower young adults to "walk the faith" through establishing Christ-centered mentorship relationships and equipping them to navigate life’s seasons through power of sharing testimony and tools.
If you are a young adult looking for a mentor, please fill out the Mentee Application below.
If you are someone who would like to pour into a young adult by becoming a mentor, please fill out the Mentor Application below.
Any questions, contact Sally Henien, Young Adults Director:

Mentee Application
Mentor Application

Thriving in the Workplace


Young Professionals in your 20s and 30s, you are invited to join us on Sunday mornings at 11am for a NEW YA class: Thriving in the Workplace: Faith + Work.

To kick off this class in January 2025, you will hear from experts and professionals from different fields, sharing practical and spiritual guidance for approaching your work. During our time together, you will have the chance to build new friendships and network with MDPC professionals from the congregation while also meeting other young professionals in a similar stage of life.

We will meet in Young Adults Classroom 219 located on the second floor hallway across from the Sanctuary. Invite a friend and join us!

If you have any questions or want to learn more, please do not hesitate to reach out to Sally Henien, Young Adults Director, at  .


Monday, March 24, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM



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Volunteer with MDPC Young Adults