Outreach Partners

Pray for our Partners

Below is a week-by-week prayer guide of our MDPC Outreach Ministry Partners and we hope it will inspire you in both your prayer life, as well as in how you might participate in God’s Kingdom work.

The ministries and organizations listed below serve individuals and communities that have great physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. As we seek to support our partners, we hear their requests for our prayers and our help. Whether it’s by volunteering at a food pantry, mentoring a middle schooler, serving at our apartment ministry, writing letters to encourage those serving overseas, or countless other service opportunities available to us, we invite you to get in the game to demonstrate God’s love and share the hope found in a redemptive relationship with Jesus Christ. 

As you pray for and learn about our ministry partners, we encourage you to listen for where God might be calling you to go deeper in what He is doing in our neighborhood, our city, or around the world.

2025 Ministry/Outreach Partners (PDF)

Hear Stories from Our Ministry Partners

  • 0Local Outreach Partners
  • 0Global Outreach Partners
  • 0Global and Local Missionaries


MDPC seeks to “make disciples of all nations” by building relationships with ministries and missionaries who have devoted their lives to sharing God’s love and the good news of the hope found in Jesus throughout all corners of the world. We are grateful for the opportunity to come alongside our partners in friendship, prayer, and financial support.

MDPC’s Global Outreach partners consist of organizations and field workers - click here to learn more about them.

Due to the sensitive nature of some of their work, not all partners are listed.

City Map

MDPC Local Outreach Partners

Outreach Ministries divides their 120+ partners into five categories: Children, Family, and Housing; Spring Branch and Hunger; Health and Special Needs; Discipleship and Education; and Special Initiatives. The map below indicates all the places in our community and in our city that MDPC is making an impact through their mission partners.