Senior Adults

MDPC has a vibrant ministry of fun, fellowship, spiritual development, and educational opportunities for all of our seniors. Whether you’re a retiree, single, married, still working, a member of MDPC or not, we welcome you to journey with us.

Learn More About Our Groups
The Venturers at MDPC

Since 1982, The Venturers at MDPC has offered monthly dinner meetings, with educational, inspiring, informative speakers and programs. Usually held on the first Monday of September through May, our meetings begin at 6:00pm with a Social Hour, followed by a delicious dinner at Fratelli’s Ristorante, then the interesting speaker/program. We usually have 35–55 singles and couples attending each meeting. Join us to meet and get to know other friends who share your interests and faith. Visitors are always welcome!
For more Venturers information contact:
Dinner Reservations – Tamara Ham: or 832-721-0504 (call/text)
Membership – Connie Whelchel: or 713-785-7701 (call)

Encore Fellowship

We welcome all MDPC members of any age whether married or single and offer events once a month that include dinners, concerts, museum trips, wine tastings, plays, musicals, happy hours, and much more. We offered our first event in 2019 and have been quickly growing since then. Come join us for fun social events with great Christian fellowship!
For more information about Encore Fellowship and to be added to our invitation list, please contact Betsy Chalmers at  or at 832-594-8510

Prime Timers

Prime Timers is a group of women and men, age 55 or better, who meet monthly for fellowship, local outings and lunches.  Each summer, we sponsor the showing of popular films for the whole congregation with free admission, popcorn, and lemonade! Our monthly events are planned for normally the third Wednesday of the month.
For more information about Prime Timers, contact Tammy Allyn (President) at or 832-816-6254.

Senior Adult Fellowship Lunch

Join us for an opportunity to connect and enjoy Christian fellowship together. No reservations required! Order your food in the MDPC Café when you arrive and bring to the tables reserved for our group in Fellowship Hall. In addition to a delicious lunch, each month we will have collections, crafts, hobbies, talents, etc. which our Senior Adults want to share with others.
Learn More

MDPC Senior Adults Newsletter

The MDPC Senior Adult Newsletter is published monthly (September through May) and mailed to those interested in knowing more about all the current MDPC Senior Adult Activities. To have your name added to the mailing list, please contact   or call Connie at 713-785-7701.

This Month's Newsletter

The Venturers

All folks 50+ are welcome to gatherings of The Venturers at MDPC. The Venturers at MDPC is a group of people, either single or married, who meet each month for fellowship, dinner, and an informative and enriching program.

Our programs normally are on the 1st Monday of the month, Sep-May, at Fratelli's Ristorante (Wirt & Westview). Details and exceptions can be found in the Venturers brochure at the link below. 

Annual dues are $20/person or $30/couple (September–May). Paid members receive the monthly newsletter by mail plus a Venturers directory. You may join at a meeting or by mail (click here for a Membership form) or contact Connie Whelchel at or 713-785-7701.


(Left to Right): Bart Henson, Past President; Bob and Ann Croyle, Treasurers; Connie Whelchel, Membership; Toby Mattox, President; Cindy Cochran, Secretary & Christmas Party; Jim Taylor, VP Programs; Carol Ann Shipp, VP Communications; Mary Card, Hospitality; Paul Whelchel, VP Arrangements and MDPC Senior Adult Deacon
Not pictured: Tamara Ham, VP Dinner Reservations; Meredith Austin, Christmas Party

Prime Timers

Prime Timers is a group of men and women, age 55 years or better, who meet monthly for fellowship, outings, and lunches. Each summer, we sponsor the showing of popular films for the whole congregation with free admission, popcorn, and lemonade!

Monthly lunches and outings are planned for (normally) the third Wednesday of the month. Check out the Senior Adult Newsletter for details:


Annual membership fee of only $10 is designed to defray the cost of programs. Paid members will receive a monthly newsletter and preference in trip reservations.

For more information about Prime Timers, contact Tammy Allyn (President) at   or 832-816-6254.

Encore Fellowship


We are a welcoming community of couples and singles, mostly over 50, who enjoy Christian fellowship and fun activities together! No membership dues. To receive an invitation or have questions, contact Betsy Chalmers:

Upcoming Events

Fri, Feb 28 | 7:30pm
The Music Box Theater for The Best of Broadway 2025 (12777 Queensbury Lane)

  • Doors open at 6pm
  • Fellowship, drinks, and snacks available for purchase: 6:15-7:15pm
  • Limited nonrefundable tickets at $40 per
  • Send checks made out to Encore Fellowship to Betsy Chalmers (12202 Taylorcrest, 77024), or leave at the MDPC Front Office
  • Payment must be received by Feb 24

Sat, Mar 22 | 5:30-7:30pm
Demeris Barbeque

Dutch treat dinner and drinks (1702 W Loop N Freeway); RSVP by Sun, Mar 16 to Betsy Chalmers ( ).

Tue, Apr 29 | 5:30-7:30pm
Cinco de Mayo Dutch Treat dinner and drinks
Chavez Restaurant (2557 Gessner, 77080)

Encore Executive Board
Tory Arriaga, Betsy Chalmers, Susan Smith, Suzanne Tobin and Mona Williams

Senior Adult Fellowship Lunch

All senior adults are welcome!

Join us for an opportunity to connect and enjoy Christian fellowship together. No reservations required! Order your food in the MDPC Café when you arrive and bring to the tables reserved for our group in Fellowship Hall.

See Upcoming Dates

In addition to a delicious lunch, each month we will have collections, crafts, hobbies, talents, etc. which our Senior Adults want to share with others. At a recent lunch, members shared their unique gifts with displays of beautiful handmade quilts.


Research shows that strong social connection is one of the most accurate predictors of a person’s long-term wellness.



Questions about Senior Adult Fellowship Activities? Contact MDPC Senior Adults Deacon Paul Whelchel at or 832-314-1854.