Other sermons in the series

Introduction and Welcome

Lesson 1: Creation

Lesson 2: The Fall

Lesson 3: Corruption: Cain and Abel

Lesson 4: Destruction | The Flood

Lesson 5: Restoration: The Flood

Worship Experience One: Imitate | Propagate | Cultivate

Lesson 6: Misdirection: The Tower of Babel

Lesson 7: Called | The Call of Abraham

Lesson 8: The Covenant, Part 1

Lesson 9: The Covenant, Part 2

Lesson 10

Lesson 11: Waiting | Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac

Lesson 12: Sacrifice: Abraham and Isaac

Lesson 13: A Servant’s Journey

Lesson 14: Deception | The Birthright & the Blessing

Lesson 15: On the Run | Jacob Flees

Lesson 16: A Turning Point: Jacob Wrestles With God

Lesson 17: Reconciliation | Jacob's Return

Lesson 18: Disruption and Tragedy Joseph and His Siblings

Lesson 19: Joseph's Slavery

Lesson 21: Reunited | Joseph and His Brothers