Other sermons in the series

Introduction: Welcome to Exodus

Lesson 1: Oppression in Egypt

Lesson 2: A Deliverer

Lesson 3: The Call of Moses (Part 1)

Lesson 4: The Call of Moses (Part 2)

Lesson 5: A Crisis of Calling

Worship Week 1

Lesson 6: The Plagues Begin

Lesson 7: The Plagues Continue

Lesson 8: Passover and Exodus

Lesson 9: Feasting and Remembering

Worship Week 2

Lesson 10: Faith and Food

Lesson 11: Water and War

Lesson 12: Jethro's Visit

Lesson 13: Israel at Mount Sinai

Lesson 14: The Ten Words

Lesson 15: Covenant Details

Lesson 16: Tabernacle Construction

Lesson 17: Tabernacle Construction Continues

Lesson 18: The Idolatry of Israel

Worship Week 3

Lesson 19: Covenant Happenings, Part 1

Lesson 20: Covenant Happenings, Part 2

Lesson 21: Tabernacle Construction