Beth Case
Caring & Christian Formation Pastor
Beth Case oversees the Caring, Adult Discipleship, Relationships, and Multi-Cultural Ministries. Since asking Jesus to come into her life at four years of age, Beth continues to grow in her knowledge of Christian faith and practice and in her relationship with Christ Jesus. She graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry and, after a brief stint in youth ministry, spent a few years coaching college women’s basketball. As much as Beth enjoyed sports (and likes to win) the Holy Spirit moved her to care more about the holistic lives of the players than about the points on the scoreboard. This God-given passion for people led her back to full-time ministry in the local church.
Beth’s seminary years were spent at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where she earned an M.Div. and a Th.M. She has served in children’s, student, and music ministries, as well as in contexts of discipleship, teaching, and compassionate care, and has completed a Spiritual Direction certification. She moved here from Bethlehem, PA, but now considers Houston home and enjoys exploring this sprawling city by foot or by bicycle.